About Farm Credit
Your Partner in Agricultural Financing
About Farm Credit
Established by Congress in 1916, Farm Credit is one of the nation's oldest financial institutions created to provide a dependable source of financing and financial services for agricultural purposes and rural housing. Farm Credit is an equal credit opportunity lender and an equal housing lender.
Our members, the same people who borrow from Farm Credit, own us. As a stockholder, you elect the board of directors that govern your lending institution.
We obtain funds from the sale of bonds and notes in the national money market. Loans and financial services are provided through our nationwide network of local lending institutions.

Community Based
Farm Credit borrowers have long enjoyed the benefits of doing business with local Farm Credit offices, where people know their business, their community, and their market.
At the same time, Farm Credit borrowers enjoy the financial strength and stability of a nationwide System with assets of approximately $180 billion.
Funding Strength
The funds to finance Farm Credit loans come from the sale of System securities in the nation's money markets. The size and strength of the System, coupled with its federal charter, make it possible for System institutions to obtain funds at favorable rates.
Farm Credit securities are sold to investors in the form of System-wide bonds and discount notes and are the joint and several obligations of all System banks. Investors include commercial banks, thrifts, governments, investment funds, and individuals.
The Farm Credit System is one of six Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) created by Congress. GSEs are privately owned corporations that help finance important sectors of the nation's economy. Farm Credit's charter is to serve agriculture and rural America.

Safety and Soundness
Associations of the Farm Credit System were established under federal charters to provide sound and constructive credit to farmers, ranchers, agricultural cooperatives and farm-related businesses. To assure that this mandate is carried out under the law, the System is subject to rigorous regulation by the Farm Credit Administration (FCA), an independent regulatory agency of the federal government. The FCA requires all Farm Credit institutions to meet risk-based permanent capital standards.
In addition, the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (FCSIC) was created in 1987 to stand behind Farm Credit institutions. The FCSIC Insurance Fund, which is financed by the System, is there to ensure payment to holders of System securities in the event of future economic stress.
The Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation manages the sale of System securities and provides financial and advisory services.
The Farm Credit Council is the System's trade association offering a wide range of business services and represents System interests before Congress and the federal government.
A Range of Services
Associations Overview
As part of the Farm Credit System, Associations operate under a variety of trade names, including Production Credit Association (PCA), Federal Land Credit Association (FLCA), Farm Credit Services (FCS), and Agricultural Credit Association (ACA).
Production Credit Services
Production Credit Associations (PCAs) provide short- and intermediate-term loans for various purposes, such as operating expenses, farm equipment, livestock, farm buildings, and other capital improvements. These loans normally have maturities less than seven years.
Federal Land Credit
Federal Land Credit Associations (FLCAs) provide long-term real estate and rural home mortgages, and also refinance existing mortgages and other debts.
Agricultural Loan Services
Agricultural Credit Associations (ACAs) have been formed in around the country through the merger of PCAs and FLCAs, and offer both short- and long-term loans.
Borrowers are Owners
The Farm Credit System is the only major agricultural lender that is owned by its borrowers.
This cooperative structure helps assure that reasonably priced credit will be available during good times and bad. Farm Credit System borrowers make a small stock investment in the Association before obtaining financial services.
Voting stockholders have the right to participate in elections and have a voice in their Farm Credit institution. A board of directors elected by the institution's stockholders governs every Association.

Funded By
Farm Credit of Western Kansas, among other Farm Credit associations is funded by CoBank.
National Office: 6340 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 800-542-8072
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